Category: Slackline

  • Slackliner Interview: Lukas Irmler

    Slackliner Interview: Lukas Irmler

    Lukas Irmler is a professional slackliner from Freising in Germany. He is 35 years old and has been slacklining since 2006. Thanks to his sharing spirit, Lukas opened the invitation to Cary, Leighton, and myself to lend him a hand on a dream project. During the memorable week of highlining in Zimbabwe, we sat down…

  • Slackliner Interview: Antonia Rüede-Passul

    Slackliner Interview: Antonia Rüede-Passul

    I recently met Antonia during her travels to Zimbabwe for a highline project over the breath-taking Victoria Falls with Lukas Irmler. I eagerly asked to hear more about her story. Antonia Rüede-Passul is a slackliner from Miesbach who grew up close to the Lake Constance in Germany.  Tell me about your first slacklining experience  I…

  • Slackline Basics: Learn beginner slacklining skills and tricks following these simple steps

    Slackline Basics: Learn beginner slacklining skills and tricks following these simple steps

    Learning the basics of this sport and putting them into practice can help you to walk on a slackline. While I started slacklining at age 23, a beginner slackline low to the ground is perfect for all ages. The activation of your core muscles helps build your balance, bringing confidence into other areas of your…

  • Best Places to Slackline in South Africa?

    Best Places to Slackline in South Africa?

    Are you searching for the best places to slackline in South Africa? We cover the hot spots for this fast-growing sport. You’ll find a brief description of the lines rigged previously, the directions, and a rough guide for the gear you will need to create natural anchors. As with all action sports, it is important…